Friday, August 12, 2011

Titilating Paleo Pad Thai

So, After the most insane Vegas trip ever! (and a really bad reaction to eating grains, and beans, and cheese) I decided I needed to go Paleo full-time. No more beating around the bush, no more whoa is me I will eat a loaf of bread -Ok that last one never actually happened-....
So I have been craving Thai food for weeks. And am about to break because seriously there is like 10 Thai places that deliver in my neighborhood, and lets be honest, sitting on my ass watching TV while someone else cooks the whole family food is way way easier then actually cooking. And to be really honest, I am WAY TOO white to even try to make Thai food, right?
Well screw that, I made the best Pad Thai EVER (thanks to It was pretty easy, 'cept for the spilling all of my coconut oil on the floor. What? Don't give me shit, I did it on purpose, it made the house smell like the tropics, or Banana Boat sunscreen, either way the floor smelled great.

Okay, okay, on to the recipe, you will need;
1 lb Chicken Thighs (or duck, or steak)
5-6 large peeled, cooked shrimp
1/4 cup of Coconut Oil (DONT SPILL IT)
2-5 Zucchinis
1 White Onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 T Apple Cider Vinegar
2 T fresh ginger, minced
3 T Almond Butter
1 T Chili Garlic Sauce
1 T Fish Sauce
1 Lime, juiced

Melt the coconut oil in a large pan over medium heat. While the coconut oil is melting, season your chicken thighs with salt and pepper. Add the chicken and cook on one side for 7-10 minutes, turn and cook 7-10 minutes on the other side. Remove your chicken and let it chill in on a plate. Keep the oil and the rendered chicken fat in the pan.
While your chicken is cooking use a mandolin to slice your zucchini into little noodles.

In the reserved oil, saute your onions, garlic and ginger until soft.
After your onions have turned opaque, add the chili sauce, vinegar, fish sauce, lime juice, and almond butter. Stir it UP.

While you are sauteing your onions heat your zucchini noodles in a separate pan until they are similar to al dente noodles.

Add all ingredients, including your chicken and thawed shrimp and heat for just a few minutes. plate and
serve HOT.
You could add more lime, crushed almonds, scallions or whatever suits your fancy.

Its delicious I promise

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